Upton Snodsbury C of E First School

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Upton Snodsbury C of E First School, School Lane, Worcester, Worcestershire WR7 4NH


01905 381288

Upton Snodsbury C of E First School

"Where a love of learning grows"

  1. Class Pages
  2. Barn Owls

Welcome to Barn Owls


We are the Key Stage Two class and we work alongside Mrs Dunne and Mr Pitt. We enjoy learning in lots of different ways. We use lots of resources to help us learn and enjoy practical and written lessons. We love learning lots of new things and always go above and beyond with developing our knowledge.  We follow the Key Stage 2 part of the National Curriculum. Alongside our chosen topic, we learn about; Science, Art, Computing, Geography, History, Music, PE, Design technology, RE, French and PSHE.

What the children enjoy about  being in Barn Owls... 

"Through our Christian Values, we make new friends."

"The Zone of Regulation helps me when I'm experiencing big feelings."  

"I enjoy D&T as I get to make new things" 

"I enjoy all the fun trips we go on to help us explore our topics, like the Malvern Residential." 

PE days: PE is on a Monday and Friday. Please ensure children's PE kit are always in school for the half term. 



  1. Reading - Please hear your child read every day as this really does make a difference to their progress. Reading diaries will be checked weekly and children who have read at least 3 times will receive a star for their bookmarks. Please remember to keep your reading diaries up to date. The children may like to write the name of the book they have read at home or you can write a comment (both would be fantastic!)  Children are responsible for changing their own reading books and may do so on a daily basis.


  1. Spellings – Spellings will be sent home every Monday and tested the following Monday every week. You will find your child’s new spelling rule in their home reading record each week. Remember when the children are learning spellings they need to be able to spell them correctly in their writing and not just for the test, so look over previous spellings to help keep them fresh we will be revisiting old spellings at the end of each half term. 

 Maths and Topic homework is set on Purple Mash:

  1. Topic – A grid of activities will be provided for your child to complete as many as they like. This will be given out at the beginning of the Topic so that the children can complete their chosen activities over six weeks.
  1. Maths - Children will have a maths task set each week on Purple Mash. This will be a consolidation activity based on the weeks learning or times tables practise. 


In Barn Owls, we work on a 2 year cycle.

Please find below an overview of what the children in Barn Owls will be exploring this year.  

Each link will take you to our half termly letter to share more information about specific learning taking place. 

Autumn 1

Autumn 2 Spring 1  Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


FAME Lessons - Clarinet Practice Sheet